Otisco LakeOtisco Lake is the 7th largest finger lake. Otisco is divided into two sections by a causeway. The northern end is deeper with clear water and the southern end is shallow with colored water.
LENGTH: 6 miles MAX WIDTH: .75 miles MAX DEPTH: 80 feet ACCESS: Otisco Lake park, Otisco marina, Ryfuns, cause way FishingOticso Lake offers an angler a little bit of everything. The north portion of the lake has deep clear water, rock points, stump fields, and large expansive weed beds. The south end of the lake is completely different. The water is shallow and murky, containing marshy bogs, gravel flats, and lots of wood cover.
Because of its diversity, Otisco has excellent large and smallmouth fishing. As an added bonus, there is always the sudden possibility of a large tiger musky showing up when you least expect it. |
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